Sunday, January 10, 2021


My wife and I decided to have a movie night yesterday. Thanks to Covid-19, movie night does not mean going to a cinema. Nowadays a movie night means watching a movie on Netflix or Amazon Prime on our bedroom TV with 5.1 surround sound - the closest we can get to a cinema experience in these times.

We spent more than half an hour to select the movie - Cast Away by Robert Zemeckis starring Tom Hanks as the protagonist.
Not very late into the movie, we are shown a family Christmas dinner scene - a pretty big family dinner.  
At this point, the wife comments to me, "Who is going wash all those dishes?" 

I take 10 seconds to process what she just said and respond, "Really?" 

She: "What?" 

Me: "You actually thought about who is going to do the dishes while watching a movie? That's some high level adulting!" 

She: *sheepish*

Man, adulting has hit us hard, very hard.