Tuesday, July 4, 2023

A Day on the Pale Blue Dot - 28

 Tuesday, 04th July 2023


It has been more than a month since my last post. Nothing else to be blamed but me. The goals I put for this series were simply an overkill and I failed to keep up. I had thought of putting a post every day, but I started falling back, and when the number of posts to be written kept piling up, I gave up! It was an overkill.

Which brought up my current strategy. I will no longer have a goal of putting up 1 post a day; rather I will post as frequently as possible while not putting too much pressure on self. Another problem with my older strategy was that the quality of content was reducing at times since it was kind of a "forced" writing. Hope that gets better.

So, let's see, if this new strategy works out.

PS: We are just back from a Goa vacation. More details on later posts. 😇