Monday, May 15, 2023

A Day on the Pale Blue Dot - 14

Saturday, 13th May 2023

Raise the Bar!

Today's is a simple lesson like the heading mentions.

My wife is a huge fan of Guardians of the Galaxy. Well not all the guardians really; but her fondness for Groot makes up for the others.

It was a spontaneous decision to watch Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3 - we were casually strolling in the mall and happened to book tickets for the late-night show.

Coming back to today's post's heading - Raise the Bar. Everyone would have heard this piece of advice at least once - raise your bar. May be not the exact words, but certainly some variant of it. While it is definitely an excellent motto to live by, raising the bar surely makes things difficult and may be impossible to achieve sometimes.

When you raise the bar for yourselves (or others), sometimes you succeed in achieving it and sometimes you fail. While Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 3, in my opinion, failed at achieving the raised expectation they set after Vol. 2, it need not be always the case. We should try to improve, again and again, until we jump over that bar.

Just make sure you do not aim for The Everest on your 1st or 2nd day; may be not even on your 1st or 2nd year. Set bars at realistically achievable heights, but one that will push your limits; put in that extra effort and jump over the bar. Repeat. Repeat. And repeat. And then one day, you can make it to The Everest.

If you say it is impossible to achieve things, then well "I am Groot!"

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